Application opportunity of new compound as a reagent material for research


  • Known as ‘Fairy Compounds‘ AOH(2‐aza-8-oxohypoxanthine)
  • US and JP patents granted. Manufacturing method also established
  • Many activities have been demonstrated, including growth/yield promotion for rice, wheat and other food plants
  • Animal cell activation potential has also been demonstrated and confirmed

Background & Technology

Emeritus Professor Kawagishi of Shizuoka University, who has been researching compounds that cause the phenomenon of ‘fairy ring’, in which lawns grow in rings of darker colour than their surroundings and sometimes, conversely, suppress the growth of mushrooms in the rings, has identified several fairy compounds (AHX, ICA, AOH). One of these compounds, AOH, was found to have a positive effect on plant growth, among other things. The compound has also been shown to increase the yield of rice, wheat, maize and other plants and grains, and has been demonstrated to have a variety of other activities, and has already been put to practical use as a cosmetic ingredient, attracting attention since its launch.
Currently, Kawagishi research group is considering the application of this compound in food production, such as crops, and other areas, with the aim of providing it to the world as a research reagent for a wide range of research applications.


Results of wheat cultivation trials and rice pot cultivation trials

Comparison of respective yields in rice plants treated with water adjusted to 50 µM for 2 weeks each at the planting (June7-20), seedling (July4-17), offshoot (July25-August17) and ear fertilizing (August15-28) stages, and in rice plants with roots immersed in water adjusted to 5 and 50 µM AOH concentration at all times.


National University Corporation Shizuoka University Faculty of Agriculture Specially appointed Professor Hirokazu Kawagishi


US:US8809328B2, JP:JP6494738


  • Ma, G., Zhang, L., Yamawaki, K., Yahata, M., Choi, J-H., Kawagishi, H., and Kato, M., Fairy chemicals, 2-azahypoxanthine and 2-aza-8-oxohypoxanthine, regulate carotenoid accumulation in Citrus juice sacs in vitro Agric. Food Chem., 63, 7230-7235 (2015).
  • Choi, J-H., Wu, J., Sawada, A., Takemura, H., Yogosawa, K., Hirai, H., Kondo, M., Sugimoto, K., Asakawa, T., Inai, M., Kan, T., and Kawagishi, H., N-Glucosides of fairy chemicals, 2-azahypoxanthine and 2-aza-8-oxohypoxanthine, in rice, Org. Lett., 20, 312−314 (2018).
  • Choi, J-H., Moriuchi, R., Sukprasitchai, A., Tokuyama, S., Kawagishi, H., and Dohra, H., Draft genome sequence of Buttiauxella A111 that converts 2-azahypoxanthine to 2-aza-8-oxohypoxanthine, Microbiol. Res. Announc., 8(29), e00664-19 (2019).
  • Aoshima, H., Ibuki, R. H., Ito, M., and Kawagishi, H., Clinical evaluation of topical lotion containing 2-aza-8-oxohypoxanthine on skin barrier function against water loss, Cosmetics, 8, 83 (2021)


Please contact us if any companies are interested in AOH research reagent supply business.


Project No.ON-01950

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