Circadian Clock Modulating Drugs for Sleep Disorders and Diabetes Treatment

Two types of seed small molecule compounds (CRY1-A, CRY2-A) that selectively activate the circadian clock regulators CRY1 and CRY2, respectively.


  • In vivo efficacy, oral absorption, metabolic stability, and blood-brain barrier penetration have been confirmed.
  • Derivative development and optimization are possible.

Current Stage and Key Data

  • Compound optimization and preclinical research.
  • Oral administration of CRY2-A to wild-type mice (50 mg/kg, once a day for 2 weeks) confirmed reversible control of circadian rhythms in sleep and wakefulness. (left figure, ZT: time)
  • Oral administration of CRY1-A to diabetic model mice (100 mg/kg, once a day for 1 week) confirmed improvement in glucose tolerance. (right figure)

Partnering Model

  • Currently seeking exclusive license partners for CRY1-A and CRY2-A.
  • Feasibility studies available through CDA/MTA/option agreement/joint research agreement.

Background and Technology

The clock protein CRY plays a central role in the oscillation of the circadian clock and is a responsible gene for human sleep rhythm disorders. Furthermore, Cry gene knockout mice show abnormalities in glucose metabolism. Therefore, CRY is expected to be a drug target for sleep rhythm disorders and glucose metabolism diseases.
We previously discovered a synthetic compound, carbazole derivative KL001 that acts on both CRY1 and CRY2, inhibiting the degradation of CRY via the ubiquitin ligase FBXL3, activating CRY function, and extending the period of the circadian rhythm at the cellular and tissue levels. Furthermore, KL001 inhibited the activation of gluconeogenesis by glucagon stimulation in primary cultured mouse hepatocytes (*1).
We continued to search for compounds that selectively activate CRY1 and CRY2 (*2), and have now developed CRY isoform-selective drug seed compounds CRY1-A and CRY2-A that can reach the brain via oral administration and regulate mammalian behavioral rhythms.

Principal Investigator

Tsuyoshi HIROTA (Institute of Transformative Bio-Molecules, Nagoya University, Tokai National Higher Education and Research System)

Reference and Patents

  • *1) Hirota, T. et al. Science 337, 1094-1097 (2012).
    *2) Miller, S. et al. Nature Chemical Biology 16, 676-685 (2020)
  • Patent pending (unpublished yet)





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